Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day 6: Root Causes of Hunger

Hunger is a reality around the corner and the globe. Hunger occurs when people do not get enough food, when people do not get the right food, and when people do not have enough resources to buy or grow food.

Six of the root causes of hunger:

  1. Poverty - of the 6.7 billion people on the planet, 1 billion people live on less than $1 per day

  2. Distribution - the biggest challenge to ending hunger is not the production of more food, but, instead, how to ensure equal access and equitable distribution

  3. War - ongoing military conflicts force people from their land and restrict relief efforts

  4. Poor infrastructure - lack of or little access to roads and transportation impede people's abilities to get to the food

  5. Natural Disasters - those who depend on the land for survival are the most vulnerale when disaster strikes

  6. Environment - people in poverty may find it harder to adapt to changing environmental conditions (Source: ELCA World Hunger)

Day 6. Dollar 6. Thank you for helping solutions take root!

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