Reflecting back upon the last 100 days brings to mind the
parallel journey our Confirmation students will celebrate this coming Sunday morning. Each experience has been washed in the waters of the
Holy Spirit and has helped build upon the foundation of a life lived in
At it's core, Hunger Relief Day has been a baptismal journey to remember the
mark of Christ, set upon our heads. This has been a chance to physically recall the marking of that cross as we helped our neighbors bear theirs.
In it's mind, Hunger Relief Day has been a baptismal journey to remind us that we have been claimed and gathered and
sent for the sake of the world. As we have nourished the children in their community of faith, we have nourished one another and those struggling with hunger by gathering and providing the food they need to survive and thrive.
In it's heart, Hunger Relief Day has been a baptismal journey to
let our light shine on those who perhaps thought their light was dimming or had gone out. Providing that light for others in the form of beans, grains, rice, monetary gifts, time, love, and prayer has brought about a rekindling in the light of our own hearts.
In it's soul, Hunger Relief Day has been a baptismal journey of awareness and appreciation for the
gifts of the Holy Spirit:
- the spirit of wisdom and understanding (contemplating our relationship to the created world and moving that faith forward),
- the spirit of counsel and might (standing up in action, and finding the strength to follow through),
- the spirit of knowledge and fear of the Lord (using the lens of God to act in the world while always recalling His grace), and
- the spirit of joy in God's presence (God's joy is reflected and shared through us).
Day 99. Dollar 99. Our
reflections will continue well past Day 100. The message we will celebrate and affirm upon our Confirmation students tomorrow is the same message we extend to those in the hunger community:
We pray to God that He might enlighten you with the gifts of His Spirit, nourish you in the community of faith, uphold you in the gifts and promises of baptism, and unite the hearts of all whom you have brought to new birth. We ask this in the name of Christ, Amen.
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